Will to Power - Chapter III

Archival photographs from CC Search collected from:

Project Apollo Archive
(Alla fotografier från Apolloprojektet)

Dennis from Atlanta


Karen Kohn
(Arctic Hare)

(Dandelion wish)

(Red Wiggler Worms)

(Where Light Lives In)

The Official CTBTO Photostream
(’XX-34 BADGER’ atmospheric nuclear test - April 1953)

The U.S. Army
(A Soldier from Company D, 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 63rd Armor Regiment, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, clears landscape of overgrown bushes to deny criminal elements an area to hide weapon caches during a combined operation with the 17th Iraqi Army Division in Yusifiyah, Jan. 21. Black Hawk)

Henri Huet
(Vietnam War Bomb Craters 1966)