Will to Power

Will to Power is a futuristic comic story set about the ongoing global economic inequality and its development towards a capitalist oligarchy.

Sweden during the 2050’s. The nation is in a political crisis after The Great Climate Catastrophe. After negotiations in the parliament, the prime minister signs a deal with the influential conglomerate S-REICO to solve the ongoing situation and outsource the institutions of the swedish state to private sector. In this new order, the citizens civil rights have been reduced to an employment contract with the employer, based on economic growth and efficiency.

Will to Power is an investigation of the dystopian genre and how it can be used as a litterary tool to express a political critique. This is narrated through the photo novel, a practice that originates from Italy in the 1940’s, where photography and texts are compiled as a comic. The practice has been used as a propaganda tool for capitalist and conformative narratives. Will to Power is an attempt to instead use the photo novel format to portray a critique on the current capitalist system.

Photo novel from 2021.